01 January 2014

Happy, Happy New Year!

Last night was one of those rare perfect summer evenings that are wonderful for sitting out in the garden, ie it was wind-free!  Our prevailing summer wind is a south-easter that I believe originates in the South Pole which gives a nice cooling wind-chill factor to the Cape.  With little wind today, and the mercury hovering near 30degC, it's HOT!  At midnight it was so still we could hear the fireworks from the city harbour area which is about 15km away!  We weren't going to watch as the crowds are a little intimidating.

So I have the mobile air-con unit on in my sewing room (have to empty the water condensation tank about once an hour) and sewed!  I made six blocks for January's Block Lotto.  I'm still not sure whether I like them - I'm not a fan of putting white in my quilts, but contrarily I do like some of the modern quilts where they use lots of white.   I would like to try making some similar blocks with two colours as they were easy enough to do.  They start off with two 8.75" squares and you make the eight half-square triangles at once, cutting apart after sewing.  I cut 9" and trimmed down!  They are supposed to measure 14" x 7" but half are about 1/4" bigger, which is allowable.

Bonnie Hunter released the final step of her mystery quilt today, so made up one each of the two alternating blocks that go into the finished quilt.  They are the cutest 9" blocks!  Go together so easily WITHOUT pinning!  But don't have enough of some of the parts to do more at the moment, but motivated to find time.

1 comment:

  1. I used to abhor white, too ... which I appreciate is hard to believe given how often I choose it for the Block Lotto.

    Your Celtic Solstice blocks look great!


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